- Verlag: Verlag Bosworth
- Spiralbindung
- Schwierigkeitsgrad: leicht
- 36 Grad
- All summer long / Kid Rock
- Bad guy / Eilish Billie
- Bailamos / Iglesias Enrique
- California Gurls / Perry Katy
- Call me maybe / Jepsen Carly Rae
- Dancing in the moonlight / Toploader
- Don’t worry be happy / McFerrin Bobby
- Fading / Alle Farben
- Get the party started / Pink
- Guten Morgen Sonnenschein / Mouskouri Nana
- I follow rivers / Lykke Li
- Ice in the sunshine / The BossHoss
- Iko iko
- In the summertime
- Lambada
- Let her go / Passenger
- Lithium / Nirvana
- Loco In Acapulco / Four Tops
- Old town road / Lil Nas X
- Sexy hexy / Francis Connie
- Sittin’ on the dock of the bay / Redding Otis
- Speechless / Schulz Robin
- Summertime
- Sun of Jamaica / Goombay Dance Band
- Sunny / Gaye Marvin
- Surfin’ USA / Beach Boys
- Sweet but psycho / Max Ava
- The girl from Ipanema (garota de Ipanema)
- The loco motion / Minogue Kylie